We’re building metatools.

To put your tools to work.. for you.

We’re building metatools. To put your tools to work.. for you.

“First we shape our tools. Then our tools shape us.”

Today our own information is scattered across so many apps, tabs, files, docs, projects, messages and notifications. We regularly juggle 10+ apps, 50+ tabs, manually switching between them 1,000s of times a day!

All these apps were supposed to manage our work / lives for us. Ironically now, we are managing the apps as well as the work. An individual today loses 20-25% productivity just in manually searching, pinging, waiting and piecing together the context across apps. For teams, productivity-loss is just the beginning. They start seeing delayed decisions, work duplication and more n' more meetings.

Xyne connects all this fragmented information across tools: making it seamless for you to discover, search, browse, and command it all. So you can go from manual, fragmented context-switching to fast, fluid workflows.

Xyne aims to augment & orchestrate your existing toolset; not replace it. We’re building metatools to put your tools to work for You; not the other way round.

Meet the team

Our team has led billion-scale software projects, protocols and OSS libraries — including UPI (500Mn users), Juspay (100Mn users) & Hyperswitch (10k stars).

Shekhar Gurav

Sahebjot Singh

Our values

Xyne is a company of makers that absolutely love building software (“xynerds”). Augment rather than replace humans with tools is our core belief. And we are definitely in this for the long haul.

Software x Craft

We want to make software we’d ourselves use daily. So all our software is handcrafted with the human in mind.

Utility x Delight
All of us are increasingly living with/in our tools. We understand this quality bar and aim to balance utility with delight.

Unify x Simplify
Most software tends to sprawl and get complex over time. We aim to fight these entropic forces.

Xyne, Inc. ― San Francisco, CA



About Us

If any of this resonates strongly with you, feel free to get in touch.

Team Xyne

Xyne, Inc. ― San Francisco, CA



About Us